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Emergency Nut Allergy Treatment: A Gua sha Success Story

Writer: CliveClive

Emergency nut allergy treatment using Health and Wellness Gua sha techniques from Gua sha course.


Discover an incredible case of a graduate from our Ecology in Motionâ„¢ Health & Wellness Gua Sha course at the Komorebi Institute successfully managing nut allergy symptoms with Gua sha.

I'm sharing it with you, because it shows you the POTENTIAL of using Gua sha when you know what it can do and what you're doing.

The Power of Gua sha in Managing Allergies

It's a description of being able to prevent a visit to the ER and directly reduce the potentially dangerous allergic symptoms of her son's nut allergy.

Please note that Gua sha is, of course, not a replacement for emergency treatment and nut allergies can be life threatening in their symptoms. Professional medical help should always be sought immediately. As you'll see, in this case medical help was in the process.

A Real-Life Example: Gua sha for Nut Allergy

So just to set the scene, her son is "highly allergic to nuts of all kinds if he ingests them" and which usually cause him to be very sick, hospitalized and on medication. After unintentionally eating pesto which contained a nut, he broke out in "terrible hives" and "his throat got raspy (typically the beginning of his throat closing and an ER visit)".

Before rushing him to the ER, she administered Benadryl (an antihistamine). In the ER parking lot, she noted that her son could still speak - an unusual occurrence post nut consumption. Observing this, and wishing to avoid unnecessary medication, she began to apply Gua sha on her son, right outside the ER (for obvious safety reasons).

The Procedure: Applying Gua sha in an Allergic Reaction

This is what she did.

Acupuncture points, Chinese medicine points, Lung channel for Gua sha

She focused on the Lung and Large Intestine channels with areas of vigorous treatment at various points.


  • Lu 1 (the top of the chest)

  • Lu 4 (upper arm)

  • Lu 5 (elbow)

  • Lu 6 (lower arm)

  • Lu 8 (lower arm)

  • Lu 9 (wrist)


  • Li 1 (index finger)

  • Li 4-7 (hand-wrist)

  • Li 11-12 (elbow).

Acupuncture points, Chinese medicine points, Large intestine channel for Gua sha

'Sha' or petechiae appeared only at the bend of the elbows, otherwise the skin was just very red and "the heat...was just rolling off him."

The Impact of Gua sha on Allergy Symptoms

When she stopped, he asked her to go back to scraping because the symptoms felt so much better when she did.

She spent an hour focused on just the lung and large intestine channels with Gua sha. His symptoms were improving. "He felt some nausea, but in waves, nothing long lasting."

And the result was that, an hour and a half of arriving, his symptoms had improved so much, that they were able to go home without going into ER - "first time ever!!!"

Well, I tip my hat to a job well done.

It goes back to my general philosophy about Gua sha which, and if you have one of my books you probably know, that Gua sha is something that everyone needs to know. It was, is and always should be a tool available to all. But, of course, people have to know when to use it appropriately and how to do it right!


Please again note that Gua sha is not a replacement for emergency treatment and nut allergies can be life threatening in their symptoms. Professional medical help should always be sought immediately.

Want to know more about Gua sha?

✨ If you're ready to explore the potential of Ecology in Motion™ Gua sha, both personally and professionally, join me on this transformative journey of health and healing at the Komorebi Institute

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